Exclusive: Iman Shumpert – ‘His Story’ (Prod. Ca$h Clay)
by Staff Editor

NBA superstar Iman Shumpert hasn’t shied away from his music career one bit, and rightfully so — the man can spit.
While the reigning NBA champion is enjoying his offseason, Iman’s given us some new music to enjoy and the same holds true today. Iman has liberated Karen Civil the exclusive release of his brand new track “His Story,” which is produced by talented producer Ca$h Clay.
Iman’s found himself in some messy headlines lately and he wanted to address things properly. Not letting negativity get in his way, Iman tells ‘his story’ on wax. What better way?
With that being said, listen to Iman’s brand new track “His Story” below and weigh in with your thoughts below.
[…] en NBA."Vous avez bien raison de croire que je vais poser un genou au sol lors de l'hymne", a lancé Iman Shumpert dans son dernier morceau "His Story". A l'image des récents propos tenus par […]