Premiere: Elle Varner Wants To Know ‘Where Your Man Is’
by Staff Editor

“It’s nine o’clock on Sunday night/Do you know where your man is?”
Elle Varner is not responsible for any lost boyfriends, baes or boos. “Where Your Man Is” is a playful record with a story all the ladies are sure to relate to. The songstress croons over the Sham “Sak Pase” Joseph creaky production.
We spoke with the songstress about the new release asking, did she ever had to break some bad news to a woman? And, if she had any specific way to go about it?
“I was once hellbent that my friends boyfriend was a cheater and when I tried tell her, our relationship suffered,” Varner said. “We almost ‘broke up’ [laughs] but eventually she found out for herself and we made amends. I have learned to stay out of it in general unless I’m asked…but if it’s a situation like in this song, where a girl is coming to me with accusations about her man, I would lay out the facts and tell her to take a closer look at him!”
Kicking knowledge to an unfortunate girl who’s man is very clearly playing her, keep your man close as you listen to “Where Your Man Is” below.
Elle is the dopest ahahaha. Keep creating.
-Eman the Heartbreak