Civil Interview: Kevin Gates Talks Favorite Foods, Being A Father Figure and XXL’s 2014 Freshman Class
by Staff Editor

Kevin Gates is all passion and hustle. To have the opportunity to join his intimate circle is like entering any relationship: it’s all good until you screw it up. Invited into the listening session of his latest mixtape By Any Means, the small party was treated to one of his favorite meals, which happens to be chicken and biscuits from Louisiana’s own Popeyes.
His freshly inked partnership with Atlantic Records is giving the rapper more steam, positioning himself to bring back to his own label, Bread Winner’s Association. With a few unsigned artists already under his belt, Kevin prefers to keep his audience in suspense as to what is to come next.
“My life is a movie nd I just want to keep all my viewers in suspense,” he says. “I prefer not to speak on that because it’ll take away from the creativity; it’ll take away from the evolution of BWA. I want everybody to grow with us. You can’t make believers out of men.”
His humble demeanor is not to be confused with the reality that he is his own biggest fan.”The music I’m listening to is by Kevin Gates because I’m like one of the biggest Kevin Gates fans. What I love about my relationship with Kevin Gates is I get to hear a lot of his new music that’s unreleased.”
Funny, right?
We sat down with, well, Kevin Gates to discuss why he seeks to cause airport pandemonium one day and what other culinary tastes he enjoys. – Alley Olivier
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