
Kevin Durant Delivers Tear-Filled MVP Acceptance Speech

Posted on May 7th, 2014
Staff Editor

Kevin Durant MVP

Kevin Durant has reached another peak in his career. Named the NBA’s 2014 Most Valuable Player, Oklahoma City’s key player delivered a heartfelt speech taking his time to thank each of his teammates, coach and most importantly his mother.

“You knew I had potential,” Durant said, addressing fellow Thunder forward Nick Collison. “Every single day, I knew I could look at you and know that you respect me as a man, as a player, and that you would ride with me till the end. Thank you.”

Making sure to share a piece of his victory with each of his teammates, the Maryland-bred player saved Russell Westbrook for last. “You got a big piece of this,” Durant said to Westbrook. “You’re an MVP-caliber player. It’s a blessing to play with you.”

His individual honor was cut into pieces and given to each of his teammates but most specifically his mother.

“We weren’t supposed to be here,” Durant said. “You made us believe. You kept us off the street. You put clothes on our backs. You put food on the table. When you didn’t eat, you made sure we ate and [you] went to sleep hungry,” Durant said. “You sacrificed for us. You’re the real MVP.”

Invoking tears from his mother and holding back tears himself, Durant represented what a true MVP is in his humble demeanor. This award is the first for the Thunder’s since its move to Oklahoma City and a first for a player drafted by the SuperSonics. Durant also ends LeBron James’ MVP streak as he captured 119 of 125 votes.

Durant will face off against the Los Angeles Clippers for Game 2 tonight. Watch the clip on the next page.


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