Mystikal Officially Indicted By Jury In Rape & Kidnapping Case
by Staff Editor

It’s officially that time for Mystikal to face the music, but not the music that he’s use to. Weeks back, news broke that Mystikal was one of three individuals being sought after in connection with an alleged rape and kidnapping of a woman in Shreveport, which took place almost a year again in October 2016. Turning himself in, back in August, the case is now moving along to the next phase of potential justice for the victim at hand.
Fast forward to this month, Mystikal has officially been indicted by a Caddo grand jury and faces one count of first-degree rape and second-degree kidnapping. Bond for the hit-maker is set for $3 million, which falls in line with Averweone Holman’s $3 million bond and Tenichia Waffards’s $500,000 bond, for their involvement with the case, also.
Already registered as a sex offender in Louisiana for another similar instance that account several years back in 2003, it’s look like history may unfortunately repeat itself for Mystikal.