Hot 97’s Pasquale Raucci Fired After Release of HBO’s “Storm Over Brooklyn”
by Staff Editor

Pasquale Raucci, who was accused of participating in the murder of Yusuf Hawkins with a gang of white men, has now been fired from Hot 97. The popular New York outlet let go of Raucci following the release of “Yusuf Hawkins: Storm Over Brooklyn” on HBO. Hot 97 took to Twitter to declare, “After watching HBO’s “Storm Over Brooklyn,” HOT97 was shocked and took swift action. Paddy Duke is no longer employed by HOT97.”

During a trip to Bensonhurst to check out a car, Hawkins, who was 16, and three friends were attacked by a gang of white men. As a result, Hawkins was fatally shot and Raucci was later convicted on charges although he was free of murder charges.
Feature Image via Vlad TV