
Non-profit organization “4Hunnid Ways” and Designer Sheron Barber helped over 100 families in Central Los Angeles!

Posted on April 20th, 2020
Staff Editor

“4Hunnid Ways” is a non-profit organization in Los Angeles area helping enhance the lives of disadvantaged youth throughout the Compton Community and surrounding areas, that recording artist YG has put together. Earlier today in Central Los Angeles, YG and Designer Sheron Barber helped over 100 families!

In Los Angeles County, currently with quarantine still in affect, it has limited the access to essential resources and supplies for many families. Luckily, YG’s non-profit organization, along with many others, came together to help!

YG and Barber came together buying a total of $10,000 worth of supplies for the families, that were in need of assistance. The supplies included, face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, dish detergent, smart tablets, under shirts, socks, under garments, board games, water, pampers, and so much more! The packages were delivered directly to the families homes, while still continuing to practice social distancing of course!

YG & Barber stated “Nothing prepares you for a situation like this, rather than sit by and wait for updates on how people in underserved circumstances are going to be assisted, we took the initiative to listen to the needs of families and provide all the necessary items to help!”

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