
Nicki Minaj Pays Off 37 Students College Tuition

Posted on September 4th, 2018
Staff Editor

Nicki Minaj just completed a random act of kindness. The MCee awarded 37 fans with her “Student of the Game” scholarship, according to Billboard. The scholarship supports all 37 fans with student loans or college tuition.

If Nicki could, we’re sure she would love to pay for every single one of her fans’ college tuition and student loan. But sadly she can’t. With this being said, even if you look into how much can i borrow for student loans , this could be a step in the right direction. You may not need Nicki’s help after all.

Nicki began giving back scholarship money in May of last year. She started off her acts of kindness with a post on Instagram about paying off a few student loans and other school expenses. She later announced in the caption that she would be launching her own charity very soon to support the education of her fans.

The fact that Nicki Minaj is doing this for her fans is an amazing thing, so many students suffer from low money from paying bills and rent in student housing, trying to make ends meet whilst taking up weekend work, odd jobs, etc. Luckily there are student specific discounts out there for those who are in desperate need of saving a few nickels here and there for when they need it most. If there were more Nicki Minaj’s out there to help students, student debt and loans may be close to non-existent in the future!

Check out the list of scholarship recipients below!


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