
Vic Mensa Talks Donald Trump’s Presidential Victory & Starting A New Movement

Posted on November 15th, 2016
Staff Editor

If it’s one thing that we’ve learned about Vic Mensa throughout the course of his career, it is that the strong views and opinions in his music is often reflected in his lifestyle. Most recently laying many things out on the line on his There’s A Lot Going On EP, Vic Mensa’s passion and determination for equality and justice has shined bright across several months of 2016. Putting his words into essay format, Vic Mensa took to Billboard and shared his thoughts on the recent victory of President-elect, Donald Trump, and so much more.

The advice that I’ve been giving to my friends is that if you know someone that’s a Trump supporter, you need to have conversations with them because it’s wrong and needs to be proven wrong. We’ve been preaching to the crowd this whole time. We’ve been talking to a lot of people that’s been agreeing with us, but we’re seeing now that that’s not the state of America.

Furthermore, Vic went on to mention how he’s in the works of trying to create something larger than the Black Lives Matter organization/movement.

I’ve been having conversations with people from a movement right now about creating something a lot bigger than a Black Lives Matter campaign — something very inclusive. For us to make real change, we’re gonna need everyone and people of all different walks of life to recognize the part that they play and how these powers at hand affect them too.

Just this year alone, we’ve seen many of our Hip-Hop artists speak out and make their voices heard in terms of the injustices that people face in the United States. Helping leading the way, Vic Mensa serves as a great example of putting actions behind your opinions to help spark change that we want to see.

A very enlightening insight, you can read Vic’s entire essay, here.

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