
Civil Scope: ASH

Posted on May 20th, 2016
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Where are you from and how has it affected your music?

ASH: I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio, but I went to school in Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is full of musicians and you can’t help but get inspired by what’s around you. I grew up in a household of a musical family from my parents to brothers. All that has influenced me as a singer and a writer.

Where did the name ASH come from for your stage name?

ASH: ASH is definitely shorter for Ashley, [my government name], and it’s just one of those names that your friends and family call you, and for me, that’s what I wanted, to be super cool and normal. I felt that shortening Ashley to ASH was a much cool way.

So you started your career working as a background singer, but when did you know that singing was for you?

ASH: That’s a really good question. When I graduated college, I was going to work for the federal government. When summer came around, I was waiting for my federal agent class to start when something inside me sparked and had me thinking about my life, “Yes, I’m smart and I know that I can work for the government, but that’s not my true calling.” Shortly after thinking of all that, I bought a one way ticket to L.A. and I spend some time here with my mentors, where I got inspired, and encourage to push for what I really wanted which was singing. Once I returned to Atlanta I began to focus way more on signing and I was then hired by Janelle Monáe to be one of her backup singers.

You mentioned having a mentor in Los Angeles, but who are some artists that have influenced your career?

ASH: I have so many, but I would have to say Prince. What I’ve always liked about him was that he always inspired me to go out and pursue my dreams; in this case singing. He was very carefree, and committed to his artistry and that has always made a huge impact on me. I know that at the end of the day just having role models like him is what keeps me going.

You’re one of the main girls casted on BET’s new show Chasing Destiny. How was that experience and how did it come about?

ASH: It was life changing! For me being one of the top 15 girls to travel to L.A. and work on Kelly Rowland’s creation of the group was truly amazing! You know what’s funny? It was something that I just did without thinking. I told myself “Lets audition” and next thing you know, I ended getting an email back and was selected as one of the main girls. It was a truly awesome experience working with Kelly and Frank, who have taught me so much!

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