Civil Scope: Levi Carter
by Staff Editor
You released ANTISOCIAL, what did you want people to get from it?
Levi Carter: ANTISOCIAL is next level galaxy trap house music. That’s the genre I give for my music. I know it’s weird but I give this outer space vibe and you don’t know what to expect from it. It’s a vibe you not going to get from nowhere else, it’s going to get stuck in your head and you will vibe with what I’m saying. It’s a lot of different sounds I play with and use. When you take a listen to my project you will notice I’m one of the artist who aim to be here for the long run, I’m not a trend.
The first track on their “Finessed,” it took off on Soundcloud, did you expect that to happen?
Levi Carter: When I was going through a lot of things I had wrote about four different EPs. I made “Finessed” and it wasn’t supposed to be on any of those. I mad that when I was in a happy mood and I started to perform it and none of the other songs was like that one. I was performing that song before I put it out anywhere. When I saw the amount of buzz I was getting from it I went back to the drawing board to create a project with that type of energy and that’s how I got ANTISOCIAL. Every song I have is doing numbers right now, just in two months.
What’s your creative process going into a record like ANTISOCIAL?
Levi Carter: My process is very different. When I pick up and try to write, it doesn’t work like that. My creative times are from 4 o’clock to 6 in the morning, everybody sleep and I’m in my own little world, clocking out and working. My project has nine songs on there, I wrote six of them in a two-night period. The longest part of my process is getting into the studio, but I’m a quick writer. I got to feel it; I’m a vibe person.
Do you have another project in the works?
Levi Carter: I am going to come with a project. I don’t know if it will be a mixtape, EP or when I’m going to come with it. My project is about two months removed and doing the numbers that I’m doing and releasing songs recently like “XXL,” I don’t want to flood the street with music. I want to stay away from that but I have two projects named, but when I’m going to come with them? i don’t even know. Right now I want to market myself, get better at branding and make myself a bigger name. I got the hipster crowd, I go the hood people following me and that’s two different crowds but I want to expand to everyone knows who I am and flood it with more music.
What are the key lessons you are learning early on?
Levi Carter: The branding and the marketing, staying true to who I am and never changing. The key thing that I learned throughout this whole process is to not be extremely accessible. I make it so my fans will have to feel my music and make it solely about music so when I drop something they just gravitate to it.
What are your goals for the rest of the year?
Levi Carter: To not let up. I want to keep pushing myself to different levels and never stay at one level. I want to attack every goal I have and keep achieving them, work with bigger artists, continue to work hard and receive blessings.
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