
Twitter Polls: Whether Rihanna’s ‘Work’ Was A Hit or Miss & Which Region Will Own 2016?

Posted on January 29th, 2016
Staff Editor

The reoccurring question in hip-hop is: which region is the hottest?

If you’ve been a follower of the culture for a while, then you know each year is different and that answer goes in cycles. One moment it’ll be the East Coast, then the South joins the mix, followed by the West and the Midwest getting involved, etc.

So, we thought we’d get the ball rolling for 2016 and ask fans which region they think will run hip-hop in 2016? Unfortunately we were limited to four choices, so the “North” (aka Drake and the rest of Toronto) were excluded, leaving us with: East, South, West and Midwest.

With 1,002 votes, fans believe the South will continue to dominate hip-hop in 2016 at 36% of the total votes. The East Coast, however, is right behind with 30% of the votes proving that fans still have faith in hip-hop’s mecca. The West comes in at 23%, leaving the Midwest with only 11%.

Similar to how 2015 played out, fans see the trend continuing in 2016. We received plenty of tweets about Drake and the North being the real winners of 2016, so we’ll see how it all plays out.

Which region are you rocking with for 2016?


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