Civil Scope: Berner
by Site Manager

Are you working on any new projects you can tell us about?
Hell yeah, I’m always working! I’m working on something right now on the bus. I’m working on my next solo album, me and Be Real are going to be working on Prohibition 3, and I have a compilation called Dirty Money 2 coming out and I’m going to also do Traffic 2 with my boy from Ohio.
That’s the whole thing, just touching these fans and giving them music from all different angles, regions and genres. You know, Prohibition with me and B Real has it’s own audience. Traffic has it’s own audience. My solo album has a mixture and it’s own audience. So you just have to keep doing, you have to keep working.
I bet most people don’t know that you’re the founder of the world-famous weed strain Girl Scout Cookies. How did you make that happen?
My boy, my business partner Jive created the cookies, we used to play around with weed a lot. We come from a circle of breeders, that specialist in growing good weed and notorious for good strength. It’s a team effort, certain people in the team brought certain strength and they crossed up the Girl Scout Cookies when it first came out and we were just amazed by it. They tastes crazy, we named the cookies, marked it, brand it and got it out.
Now, you can see a lot of people trying to follow those footsteps, a lot of weed strains now want to have clothing lines/accessories line and want to have a face to their weed. But, we started that sh*t out and got it poppin’! Cookies’ way more than just a weed strain, it’s a big street ware company, it’s a accessory line, a life style. It’s a whole other sh*t, it’s great to be a part of that and we have more stuff coming for you all. It’s going to be big!
I have to ask, for our smokers out there, what are three tips to enhance each high? Three favorite strains other then Girl Scout Cookies?
It has to be Gelato, Snowman, and right now, I really like the Skittles. The Skittles is from another crew of breeders but, it’s hella good.
What are key lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
Man, the first thing is to never trip off what anyone says about what you have going on because people talk all kind of sh*t and I’ve gotten super far on my own with no help. Always invest in yourself when you put your money behind yourself, you’re going to have to work 20-times harder. You better put yourself because when you put yourself on, you’re going to make sure you get it back.
Make sure your visuals are strong and never give up on them because besides the music, I have a clothing line doing incredible numbers every year; I have a water company (H2O) blowing up. I have three apps, I have a lot of companies beside music and every time I start a new venture people would always looked down upon it saying that wasn’t the move. So follow your guts, put your own money behind yourself and don’t let anyone doubting you, stop you. Just do what you want to do!
What’s the goal for the remainder of the year?
Man, I just finally want to put out a dope a** full album. I’ve dropped mixtapes, three to four collaborations with other artists but, now I just want to put dope album. I want to be able to be in a position that by the end of 2015, I can spend a year in Hawaii with my daughter and if I can figure a way to do that with her school; it’s stuff like that.
With some of the companies I have are moving so mean, that it’s a big possibility that by the end of the year I take a year off and be able to go kick it. Because you have to enjoy your life, you only live one time. My goal is to make one of those companies jump high enough to where 2016, I can still work from where am at, make music and handle my business from where am at but, be able to chill with kid, relax and have that good state of mind.
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