
Eminem Penned a ‘Thank You’ Letter to Tupac Shakur’s Mother

Posted on July 14th, 2015
Staff Editor

Eminem Letter to Afeni Shakur

When one hip-hop legend shows love to another it always makes for a great moment and headlining news, but how often do we have a legend reach out to another’s mother? That’s the case with Eminem and Afeni Shakur, the mother to the legendary Tupac Shakur. The letter, which first appeared in the 2008 book Tupac Remembered, is making its way around the web accompanied by a image of the legend drawn by Slim Shady himself.

Within the letter Eminem refers to Afeni as a true queen and shared what Tupac gave to him in courage and when he was feeling his worst his Tupac tape would assist in getting him through the bad times.

“He gave me the courage to stand up and say ‘F**k the world!,’” Eminem shared. “This is who I am! And If you don’t like it, go f**k yourself! Thank you for giving us his spirit, and yours! God Bless you!”

The letter and the image are located in Stone Mountain, Georgia at the Tupac Amaru Shakur Center for the Arts but you can view the picture above and letter below.

Eminem Letter to Afeni Shakur

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