
5 Other Artists Who Should Be Featured on Future’s ‘Dirty Sprite 2’

Posted on July 10th, 2015
Staff Editor

Future - Dirty Sprite 2 ds2

Last night Future took to Twitter and announced his Dirty Sprite 2 album by dropping a preorder link, which showed the album will arrive on June 17. Following the holy mixtape trinity of Monster, Beast Mode and 56 Nights, this new album can be nothing short of amazing.

What you come across when you listen to his onslaught of street hits is that Future appears solo for a majority of the projects. In a recent development, Drake tells us that will not be the case for the album by stating he lent a hand.  While a Drizzy feature is always welcomed there are a few collaborations we wouldn’t mind seeing.

Check out five other features we would like to see on Dirty Sprite 2.


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