
Civil Court (Sports Edition): Who Will Win the NBA Finals?

Posted on June 4th, 2015
Staff Editor


civil court warriors
JAY: Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and the rest of the Golden State Warriors are your soon-to-be NBA Champions for the 2015 season. It’s not debatable.

Let’s be clear — this won’t be an easy task for Chef Curry and the boys. LeBron James is arguably the best basketball player to ever play the game (even though he’s not) and he’s clearly playing some of his best ball to date. But unfortunately for Bron Bron and the city of Cleveland, the one he abandoned four years ago, there’s only one “King” James and no matter how great he plays, it won’t be enough.

Wasn’t LeBron the best player on the planet from 2005-2010 when he consistently blew it in the Finals? The answer’s yes and what did we learn? LeBron can’t do it by himself. Why do you think he ditched his hometown to form a mega-team in Miami?

While this year’s Cavs are better than the 2005-2010 teams, don’t put these guys on a pedestal and make them out to be something they’re not. Kyrie won’t be able to stick Curry, we all know that. J.R. Smith is as inconsistent as it gets, he’ll probably be too busy partying each night. Shump’s great, but he’s still inexperienced and not quite ready for Klay, Iguadola, etc.. Della-whatever is probably plotting on how he can injure the Dubs and nothing else. And let’s face it, Mosgov wants 0 problems with Bogut, David Lee or Draymond Green.

Then, there’s the off-the-court things working in the Dubs’ favor. Lil B the Based God not only didn’t curse the Warriors, but he ROOTED for them. Talk about the polar opposite of a curse. And if Shump didn’t wise up and apologize to Lil B, the Cavs would’ve caught the wrath. Don’t think he forgot!

Oh, and did we mention Riley Curry yet? The cutest baby in the entertainment world (jk, Blue and North)? With her adorableness at the press conferences, it would only be right for the Dubs to win it all. Can you imagine how epic the finale would be?

All jokes aside, this is the Warriors’ year. Winning a championship in sports is all about timing and right now it’s Golden State’s time. Curry’s the MVP, not LeBron.

I got the Warriors in 6.


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