Meek Mill Clears Up Rumors, Says His Album Is Not Dropping Next Week
by Staff Editor

The Internets are a powerful place. As soon as one person tweets out something that is seemingly true and it’s followed by endless retweets, it all the sudden becomes “true” in this digital age that we’re living in.
Thankfully, all it takes is for the person who’s involved with the fake news to come out and refute it — looks like Meek Mill is next up to make that refutation.
There was a fake album cover of Meek’s long-awaited Dreams Worth More Than Money album floating around Twitter with the attached piece of fake information saying that the album was dropping on April 14th, which is 5 days from now. Sorry, Dreamchasers — Meek says that’s not the case.
My album coming when I say that ain't true stay down its coming!
— Meek Mill (@MeekMill) April 9, 2015
Looks like Meek cleared that one up. In other words, don’t believe anything you read on Twitter unless it comes from a credible source. In this case, Meek is the credible source and as badly as we want to hear DWMTM, it will not be dropping on April 14th.