Future’s DJ Survived 56 Days In A Dubai Jail
by Staff Editor

What was meant to be a pretty average trip to Dubai turned into a whirlwind life-experience for Future’s tour DJ, DJ Esco. In an exclusive story with The Fader, Esco discusses his tumultuous experience of being locked up in the Dubai prison for 56 days. Like many before him, the DJ was caught traveling with his team from Amsterdam to Abu Dhabi with a small amount of Marijuana left in a backpack by one of his crew members.
In an unfortunate series of events, Esco happened to be pushing the cart toting everyone’s luggage when he was stopped by airport security. After a detailed search of over 40 bags, the guard discovered about a half ounce of weed. The next 56 days are the scariest he has ever experience.
“I wasn’t pissed that I was the one that got caught,” he told The Fader after being home for a week. “I was more focused on how to get out then how I got in.”
Read the full terrifying experience at The Fader.