Riff Raff Tag Teams His Way Into The WWE
by Staff Editor

RiFF RAFF is a man of many talents and he can now add professional wrestler to his resume.
Wrestling icon Hulk Hogan has announced that RiFF RAFF is training to be his new tag-team partner in the WWE. Across his social media platforms, Hogan has also confirmed that RiFF will participate in the next Hulkmania event.
It finally makes sense as to why RiFF RAFF has been flexing nonstop on Instagram and has noticeably turned down his fast pace lifestyle for a clean fitness inspired one instead.
Although this could be one big publicity stunt, wouldn’t it be crazy to watch Mr. Jody HighRoller in the ring? Not sure if he’ll be a force like the OG Hulk Hogan but it will definitely be an unforgettable entertainment for everyone.