25 Days of HIp-Hop: Jeezy Visits St. Louis After Mike Brown Killing
by Staff Editor

We are starting to realize it’s going to be hard to pack all of this year’s hip-hop moments into just 25 days, however, we return with one of the most important moments that happened this year. Continuing with the countdown, we have Jeezy and his visit to Ferguson and performance in St.Louis as apart of the Under the Influence Tour.
Heading into the middle of the month, tensions were high over the death of unarmed teen Mike Brown at the hands of a Ferguson police officer. Riots sparked across Ferguson, which included the burning of the gas station at the center of the controversy. With the Under the Influence tour headed into STL, Jeezy took the time to visit the area, speak on the local radio station, Hot 104.1, and give a tribute during the tour at the Verizon Wireless amphitheater.
Check the following pages to review the special moment.
Happy Holidays!
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