
Civil Interview: Wiz Khalifa Talks ‘Blacc Hollywood’, Ferguson & Being Underappreciated

Posted on September 3rd, 2014
Staff Editor

Wiz Khalifa Announces '28 Grams' Mixtape

What’s your thoughts on the situation in Ferguson, MO? Very scary times we’re experiencing.

Wiz Khalifa: For this generation it’s all about awareness, and this one kind of came out of nowhere and shocked everybody. I just want to encourage everyone to educate themselves fully on not only the situation in Ferguson, MO, but also police brutality in urban communities and how the youth is being treated. The kids without money and the kids who aren’t on TV – we need to pay attention to them at all times.

Do you feel like celebrities have a responsibility to respond to these tragedies?

WK: Celebrities have a responsibility to say what it truly means to them because people are interested in that. We gotta use our platform for things other than just the club and the radio and stuff.

So when you’re not working or hanging out with the family, what do you do for fun?

WK: Skating is definitely a hobby of mine. I picked it up on tour just being around the homies or whatever. It was always something I wanted to do as a kid, but I was playing basketball and rapping.

I’ve been reading a lot. I never used to read a lot, but I’m reading this book called The Surrogate, a love story. It’s kinda tripping me out because I’m reading a freakin’ love novel. I’ve been looking at a lot of different books with photography lately with a bunch of different photographers. I can’t remember their names because they’re all foreign, but I’m trying to build my mind up so when I see shit hanging somewhere, I can be like, ‘Oh, that’s blah blah blah blah,’ you know what I’m saying?


7 responses to “Civil Interview: Wiz Khalifa Talks ‘Blacc Hollywood’, Ferguson & Being Underappreciated”

  1. Dylan Moore says:

    Wiz is cultured and he spent a lot of time all over. Didn’t come from one place like everyone thinks he did. Pittsburgh is half of it.

    He has a massive life and he’s always been spiritually inclined, great to see that he’s reading such awesome stuff and photography is always worth exploring.

    He’s absolutely right, we need to pay attention to the thing no one else is; the kids that we don’t see on TV. Where it all starts. It’s not about the politics or the money or the racism and he knows that, we gotta pay attention to these kids and make sure they grow up right and knowing this isn’t how it’s always going to be.

    As for not being appreciated; Wiz… you’re smart and you know that. It’s going to be like that, man. Keep looking for people who are close to the human. Like you said about this interviewer (who did a fantastic job, btw), there’s people who are paying attention and are trying to tune in because they’re curious and they know there’s more to eat up.

    Taught me that it’s okay to not be from around here or to not think the same way. It’s an advantage that should be cultured. Keep investing your time like you do, I’ll be paying shit tons of money to see you live one of these days. Life-time fan right here since I heard Kush and OJ.

    • dier says:

      Im not sure what he’s gettin at when he says “he’s around who’s he’s around” and when he wants to come back to that world” is he refering to big seans passion for fashion and shoes or his relationship with ariana grande?

  2. Saul Bautista says:

    Wiz sounds a lot smarter in this interview than his music…. no offense Im a huge Wiz fan, its just his lyrics dont always have that much depth. Just good music to party to