
Civil Court: Do Celebrities Have To Respond To Tragedies?

Posted on August 18th, 2014
Staff Editor


LINDSEY: Celebrities are not always role models. They are not always who your child should look up to. They are human just like us. However, being that they are human, they should do what they can to raise awareness during tragic times. It’s the right thing to do.

Celebrities don’t sign up to be perfect, but they do sign up for the fame and for the fan base of loyal followers who observe their every move. It frustrates me to see that some celebrities will partake in the glamorous side of raising awareness, like setting up fundraisers and red carpet benefit events, but they won’t go straight into the action. Yes, the money is still being raised for a cause, but sometimes that isn’t enough. In the case of Michael Brown and what’s going on in Ferguson, much more awareness needs to be brought to life.

I definitely raised a huge side eye at Nelly when he tweeted that Cheerios picture the day after Michael Brown’s death was reported. If you see your city crumbling along with the people in it, there is no reason to be so hush-hush about what you are doing to help. Yes, he is starting a scholarship in Michael Brown’s honor, but why isn’t he out there in the action like J. Cole and KeKe Palmer right now? Why isn’t he posting videos, and retweeting breaking news more consistently? Him, and many other celebs, have the power to recruit tons of help from people across the country, and even the world, to fight the battle. Imagine the impact Hov would have if he broke his social media hiatus just to put out one simple tweet of awareness?

Yes, celebrities are regular people like you and myself, but they signed up for stardom and fame. They have the biggest outreach there is and it’s time they use it to change the world and the way we live in it.

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