Lil Wayne Talks ‘Tha Carter V’, Drake and Nicki Minaj in New Issue of XXL
by Staff Editor

In the midst of Tha Carter V Season, Lil Wayne covers the August and September issue of XXL Magazine. Pair with the headline of “Nothing Left To Prove,” Weezy snarls for the camera while going shirtless and completed with a Trukfit skull. Within the front and back cover, Lil Wayne talks about Tha Carter series and showing some concern about how Tha Carter V will be received by his fans.
“I’m always feeling like I ain’t done shit,” Lil Wayne stated. “I’m still nervous about ‘Tha Carter V’ … I’m confident abotuw hat I do, but I’m still nervous about what people think.”
Young Money is known for its powerful trio made up Wayne, Drake and Nicki Minaj. Also within the interview Wayne speaks on bring both of them into his label.
“Call me old-fashioned and country, but with Drake, that was the first time I’d seen someone that knew how to sing and rap,” said Wayne. It wasn’t until I heard him spitting on one of my beats when I was like, ‘This fool’s retarded.’ When I hear something that I know I can’t do better? That’s when I’m like, ‘They need to be on the team.’
Continuing on to Nicki Minaj, Wayne shared: “I wanted a female. Every team needs a female to rep your gang. She was annihilating niggas.”
Check for the new XXL featuring Lil Wayne to hit your local newsstand. Check out the full cover on the next page.
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