
Civil Scope: Trakgirl

Posted on July 28th, 2014
Staff Editor

TrakGirl Main

What made you start producing?

Trakgirl: I really started getting into production when I was like 15. I always wondered how music was created that would be on the radio. So I did my own research and bought my first beat machine (an Akai MPD 16 with a small gateway computer ) and everything and just started practicing on my craft.

When you were in school did people go “Oh, you made that?” 

Trakgirl: Well, I wasn’t like a party, go-outer girl. I always stayed in my dorm room or tried to get into the studio. I use to book a room at Thomas Crowne Sudios in Virginia Beach, which was Timbaland’s studio, and I guess like that’s when my name kinda spread cause I was in there like a little studio rat.

I have to ask you to finish the list. You started with Timbaland, if you had to finish your Mt. Rushmore of producers, who you got?

Trakgirl: No, this is a hard question [laughs]. Can I give you five? Kanye West. No I.D. Um, this is hard. And of course Missy Elliot. She’s just that girl. We need more Missy’s.

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