Civil Court: Is Robin Thicke Doing Too Much?
by Staff Editor

JASON: No. Robin Thicke is not doing too much. Here’s why:
When you fall in love, and I mean really fall in love, you’ll do whatever you have to do to keep your woman or your man happy. And when they’re not happy, you’ll do whatever you have to do to turn that around instantly. We all know by now their rags-to-riches-style love story: met at 14 years old, became high school sweethearts, got married then had their first son Julian Fuego.
In the public eye, Robin and Paula were your ideal couple until, of course, Robin made the biggest mistake of his life, which he’s clearly still kicking himself for.
Is this album campaign corny? You could say that. Is it desperate? You could also say that. But is Robin Thicke doing too much? Absolutely not. Love will make people do the craziest things with little to no regret, because that’s what it’s all about. When you find someone that you care about just as much as your care about yourself, you’ll do something insane like dedicating an entire album to them in order to save your marriage. I’m rooting for Robin and you should be too.