
Troy Ave Discusses Snitching with ‘The Breakfast Club;’ Says ‘It’s situational.’

Posted on February 12th, 2018
Staff Editor

Following the release of his “2 Legit 2 Quit” video, Troy Ave had the world wondering if he was not only admitting to snitching — but condoning it. The lyrics in question read, “I’m only loyal to my fam/Middle finger from the stand/It’s either me or you.”

In rebellious fashion, the rapper took to Breakfast club to uphold the dignity in his words,  take back dissing Capital Steez, preach on hood commandments and call out Charlemagne for being “weak-minded.”

When asked about being labeled a snitch, he says he cant speak much on the matter, but feels there is a serious double standard. ” I can’t talk about the whole taking the stand thing, just know I didn’t and never have or anything like that,” he said. “As far as all of that, I’m really binded where I can’t talk shit about a case that’s going on. Literally. I spoke to my lawyer yesterday. He said I couldn’t say anything about anything.”

He went on to explain how his lawyer swore him to secrecy before revealing his true thoughts on what it means to “snitch” in court. “It’s unclear in who made these rules. I only know two successful guys that came out of the street,” he says. “They say everybody snitches. 50 got paperwork. They always say something. But I don’t know how to tell you what the difference is without getting into my case. It’s situational. It’s like I said, you gotta look at it and say if this and this happened what would you do? It’s not black and white.”

So the question still stands: Is Troy Ave a snitch? Watch the full interview below and let us know what you think.

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