
Macklemore Meets with President Obama To Raise Addiction Awareness

Posted on May 15th, 2016
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Seattle rapper Macklemore and President Obama are joining forces to raise addiction awareness.

Unfortunately, thousands of people around the world suffer from addiction on a constant basis, some of whom have had to deal with it for the majority of their lives. Even though this idea is always around us, people don’t actually realise how limited the awareness of the subject actually is. Whilst many drug rehab treatment centres up and down the country have already tried to improve their marketing campaign, by enlisting the help of somewhere like The Drug Rehab Agency SEO services, they are already in the process of connecting people to the types of services they need that might just save their life from addiction. But with the unionization of Macklemore and President Obama, positive changes could soon be seen.

In a recent president weekly address, the 32-year-old met with the president to talked about drug addiction and called politicians to fund recovery programs. These programs are designed to help people who are suffering from drug addiction take their first steps on the road to recovery, you can find out more about rehabilitation here. Drug addiction has a myriad of horrendous side effects that can cause even more issues down the line for people. For example, it can cause teeth to fall out and poor oral health to become rampant, that is why addiction programs can help immensely with getting addicts back on the right path and bettering their health outcomes. They can then work their way towards getting cosmetic dentistry done and be put on a dental insurance plan, with more information being found at https://www.cosmeticdentistsnewyorkcity.com/dental-insurance-plans-we-accept/manhattan-dentist-that-accepts-guardian-dental-insurance/ for those who are in need.

Macklemore, who has previously opened up about his struggles touched on being arrested at age 15 and ending up in King County Juvenile Drug Court. Individuals that have dealt with addiction issues themselves often become advocates for help for people with addictions, as seen with Macklemore. For many, addiction counseling education and careers can be very fulfilling and those that have dealt with similar issues themselves often see it as paying back, however, it is not advised that newly recovering addicts embark on a career path in this field as it can lead to a relapse.

While Obama mentioned that drug overdoses kill more people each year than traffic accidents, and that the number of deaths from Opioid overdoses have tripled since 2000.

POTUS adds, “Many times the drugs are prescribed by a doctor. So addiction doesn’t always start in some dark alley – it often starts in a medicine cabinet.”

Watch Macklemore and Obama’s powerful statement below.

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