Kanye West Addresses Deadmau5/Pirate Bay Situation
by Staff Editor

Last week, Kanye made headlines (shocking, I know) for allegedly using popular, yet illegal, streaming service Pirate Bay to download music software Serum.
Kanye tweeted a picture of what was thought to be his computer, which had the tab opened to Pirate Bay, as well as Serum, giving off the idea that he was using Pirate Bay to download Serum. Simple enough. With the use of proxies, people are still able to access Pirate Bay even though there have been numerous attempts to take Pirate Bay down and disallow traffic to the site, you can get Pirate Bay proxies here if you’re still looking for access.
Being a part owner of Serum, popular EDM producer Deadmau5 wasn’t too pleased with this and engaged Kanye in a back-and-forth Twitter brigade. Ye obviously went HAM on “dead-mow-5,” as Kanye referred to him, and since then the story kind of died down. Until today.
Ye was recently at LAX airport when the paparazzi stopped him and asked him about this situation. Saying that the computer wasn’t his, and that humans are “sometimes hypocrites,” Ye seemed to brush the nonsense off, while still addressing it in full.
See his explanation below and let us know what you think.