
‘Snoop’ From “The Wire” Arrested In Drug Raid

Posted on March 10th, 2011

The Wire is the greatest thing to ever happen to television. That’s not my opinion, but rather what millions who fell in love with the series said. One of these days I plan on investing in the entire DVD package, reserve a weekend and run through every episode. By doing this, I will ensure I will not look like an fool the next time the show is a topic of conversation.

One of the timeless aspects of the show, or so I’ve heard, was that it “felt” real; almost too real at times. Given the latest news, that may be an accuarate statement. Local, state and federal officials carried out a drug raid in Baltimore in which 30 people were arrested as a result of a five month investigation. The sting centered a widespread and powerful marijuana and heroin operation. Of the people arrested, the most notable was Felicia Pearson who is better known for her legendary character “Snoop” from the show.

This is not the first time she has seen herself in grave trouble. Sixteen years ago, when she was 14, “Snoop” was charged with second degree murder and sentenced to two eight-year terms. She was released after only six years. There is no word yet on how much time she will receive if found convicted, but one thing is for sure. This is certainly a case of art imitating life.


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