
QuestLove Authors ‘How Hip-Hop Failed Black America’

Posted on April 24th, 2014
Staff Editor

QuestLove is a man that wears many hats. A New York University professor and The Roots drummer, QuestLove is widely accepted as a scholar on all things music. It comes with no surprise that the Philadelphia native is using his wealth of knowledge to pen a series of six essays pertaining to hip hop.

“How Hip-Hop Failed Black America” will focus on “hip-hop’s recent past, thinking about its distant past, and wondering about the possibility of a future” on Vulture.

In his first essay, “When People Cheer: How Hip-Hop Failed Black America,” QuestLove is wrestling with the idea of missing the hip hop he knew in his youth and finding a way to stay current while remaining true to the craft.

Read the full essay here.

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