
Happy Father’s Day: Here’s 20 Songs Celebrating Hip-Hop Fathers

Posted on June 18th, 2017
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Dear Dads, fatherhood is often a touchy subject in Hip-Hop.

While Hip-Hop mothers are often praised through songs, there aren’t as many ground breaking tributes to the fathers in Hip-Hop. As the culture continues to grow, more and more rappers are providing insight on how fatherhood has changed their lives.

To celebrate Father’s Day, we put together a list of songs that celebrate and highlight these men who show the world that there are great fathers in the Hip-Hop community. These men not only spend time with their children but are also great role models to them.

So before you start your own Father’s Day celebrations today, click the following pages to check out 20 songs dedicated to Hip-Hop fathers.

Happy Father’s Day! – Lupe Looove


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