
Civil Interview: Taylor Bennett Has A Message For Kids Struggling To Be Themselves

Posted on April 7th, 2017
Staff Editor

What’s your message to the younger kids who are afraid to be themselves?

Taylor Bennett: “My mom always told me 3 things: be humble, be yourself, and be sober. I think if you follow those guidelines that you’ll always believe in yourself and will always know that everybody won’t accept you for being you. I think being able to see the difference between the people who can’t accept others and people who aren’t willing to accept difference is what makes somebody strong in the first place.”

How does the theme of your music reflect on what you stand for?

Taylor Bennett: “You always use themes and I try not to limit my creative process too much when I’m writing a song and working on music. I don’t like to create titles before the song is done. One of the main reasons why I started making music is to bring people together and I think that’s going to echo throughout my music. Never be afraid to tell the truth.”

Do you plan on making music forever?

Taylor Bennett: “Well, nobody can run around on a stage for 30-40 years. I’ve already branched off into acting, I got a couple of movies that are supposed to be coming out, I did the Broad Shoulders short film, and I’m also a really big fan of fashion. I definitely plan on expanding out to different branches of the industry throughout my platform making music.”

What’s next for you? What’s your plan for the future?

Taylor Bennett: “I get asked this question a lot and I think that the future is so bright. I don’t have an exact idea, but I know that everyday is about putting your best foot forward. I know that nothing is perfect and that you have to work harder. What’s next is making more great more; I know it’ll be better than the last joint…hopefully. The fact that I have a tour bus is crazy, and I used to day dream in class about having a tour bus. I used to think that I needed a record deal and all these A&R’s to get behind me. Just doing this solo and being an independent artist and having my own label is crazy — anything can happen.”

What legacy do you plan to leave the world with?

Taylor Bennett: “I’ve always had a dream about standing around in a big ass crowd at one of my sold out shows. At one point, I tell everyone to turn and look next to them. Them realizing they’re next to rich people, poor people, white people, black people, straight people, hispanics, asians, etc., and realizing that they’re all the same people and here for the same reason — the music.”


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