
Donald Trump Calls Donald Sterling’s Girlfriend: “The Girlfriend From Hell”

Posted on April 29th, 2014
Staff Editor

Additional audio of Donald STerling's reported conversation with V. Stiviano has been released

As the Donald Sterling controversy continues, folks of all backgrounds are weighing in on how he should be handled. Everyone bears their own opinions regarding the ordeal but one important piece of the puzzle is Sterling’s ex-girlfriend V. Stiviano who is involved in the conversation showcasing Sterling’s alleged racist comments.

In an interview with FOX news last night (April 28), Donald Trump calls Stiviano “the girlfriend from hell” but also admits Sterling may be out of touch as well.

In other Sterling news, corporations and groups have begun separating themselves from the Los Angeles Clippers franchise.  The latest sever has come from the NAACP who have returned all of Sterling’s donations and intend to retract the Lifetime Achievement Award he was going to receive at the 100th anniversary of the L.A. chapter on May 15.

Stay tuned for the NBA press conference today.

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