
Video: “Men In Black 3” Trailer

Posted on December 12th, 2011

I remember going to see the first one in theaters in 1997 (I think that’s the year) and getting the soundtrack. In fact, I even got Big Willy Style for Christmas that year when I begged my mom to get me Puffy’s No Way Out. Turns out BWS wasn’t a bad album and I ended up getting NWO a few weeks later from my cousin. Anywho, play tough guy all you want, but the actual song “Men In Black” was a bonafide smash and yet another accomplishment on the long list for Will Smith; a man who could arguably go down as having one of the greatest professional lives of all time.

That being said, the third – and by all accounts final – installment of the Men In Black series he and Tommy Lee Jones turned into a pop culture staple returns for one last ride next May. While I’m far from a movie critic, and one who is weary of sequels and trilogies, I will be going to see this. Matinee, of course.

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